29 November, 2012

Semester 3 Textbook- Introduction to Management

Introduction to Management SOLD!!!
Introduction to Management: RMIT University- A Custom Publication from Palgrave Macmillan
2012 Edition 9781137007360
Price at SIM popular: $42.00
I'm selling at $35.00
HP: 97579222

Wrapped with plastic cover and tabs for easy reference of chapters. I can remove the tabs upon request. Minimal writting and highlighting. Any highlighting is done neatly. The book is first-hand.
I will give you the past year paper and questions that I have, some come with answer scheme.


Semester 3 Textbook- Business Finance

Business Finance SOLD!!!
Business Finance by Peirson, Brown, Easton, Howard and Pinder
11th Edition 9780070997592
Price at SIM popular: $94.80
I'm selling at $45.00
HP: 97579222

Wrapped with plastic cover and tabs for easy reference of chapters. I can remove the tabs upon request. Minimal writting and highlighting. Any highlighting is done neatly. The book is first-hand.
I will give you the past year paper, tutorials and questions that I have, some come with answer scheme.


Semester 3 Textbook- Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management SOLD!!!
Human Resource Management- Strategy and Practice by Alan Nankervis, Robert Compton, Marian Baird and Jane Coffey
7th Edition 9780170184991
Price at SIM popular: $70.00
I'm selling at $40.00
HP: 97579222

Wrapped with plastic cover and tabs for easy reference of chapters. I can remove the tabs upon request. Minimal writting and highlighting. Any highlighting is done neatly. The book is first-hand.
I will give you the past year paper and questions that I have, some come with answer scheme.


01 June, 2012

Semester 2 Textbook- Principles of Marketing

Principles of Marketing
Principles of Marketing: A Global Perspective by Philip Kotler, Armstrong, Ang, Leong, Tan, Yau
2009 Edition 9789810691035
Price at SIM popular: $36.70
I'm selling at $30.00
HP: 97579222

Wrapped with plastic cover and tabs for easy reference of chapters. I can remove the tabs upon request. Minimal writting and highlighting. Any highlighting is done neatly. The book is first-hand.
I will give you the past year paper and questions that I have, some come with answer scheme.

Semester 2 Textbook + Q&A- Commercial Law 1

Commercial Law 1SOLD!!!
Singapore Business Law by Benny S Tabalujan & Valerie Du Toit-Low
5th Edition 9789810831622
Price at SIM popular: $50.80
I'm selling at $38.00
HP: 97579222

Wrapped with plastic cover and tabs for easy reference of chapters. I can remove the tabs upon request. Minimal writting and highlighting. Any highlighting is done neatly. The book is first-hand.
I will give you the past year paper and questions that I have, some come with answer scheme.
This textbook is important for the open book exam and good reference taggings are crucial too.

Butterworths Questions & Answers(Photocopied from Library- 1st Hand Photocopy)SOLD!!!
Contract Law by Des Butler: 3rd Edition
Torts by Paine: 2nd Edition
I'm selling at $20.00 for both books
HP: 97579222

Wrapped with plastic. No writting and highlighting. The book is photocopied but first-hand photocopy from library.
This book is important for extra question practice, it will help a lot with knowing what to expect during the exam.
*Note: The one in the booklist and sold at popular is one book only but it is the same. Mine is split into two books but the content is just extra. I have highlighted in the cover page the relevant topics. So there are no missing topics.

Semester 2 Textbook- Macroeconomics

Macroeconomics by Hubbard, Garnett, Lewis, O'Brien
2nd Edition 9781442533714
Price at SIM popular: $57.80
I'm selling at $38.00
HP: 97579222

Wrapped with plastic cover and tabs for easy reference of chapters. I can remove the tabs upon request. Minimal writting and highlighting. Any highlighting is done neatly. The book is first-hand.
I will give you the tutorial questions that I have, and it comes with answer scheme.

Semester 2 Textbook- Prices & Markets (Microeconomics)

Prices and Markets (Microeconomics)-SOLD!!!
Microeconomics by Hubbard, Garnett, Lewis, O'Brien
2nd Edition 9781442531772
Price at SIM popular: $54.50
I'm selling at $38.00
HP: 97579222

Wrapped with plastic cover and tabs for easy reference of chapters. I can remove the tabs upon request. Minimal writting and highlighting. Any highlighting is done neatly. The book is first-hand.
I will give you the past year paper and tutorial questions that I have, some come with answer scheme.

01 December, 2011

Semester 1 Textbook- Intro to Organisational Behaviour

Introduction to Organisational BehaviourSOLD!!!
Organisational Behaviour on the Pacific Rim + connect plus by McShane & Travaglione
3rd Edition 9780071012263
Price at SIM popular: $88.60
I'm selling at $30.00
HP: 97579222

Wrapped with plastic cover and tabs for easy reference of chapters. I can remove the tabs upon request. Minimal writting and highlighting. Any highlighting is done neatly. The book is first-hand.
I will give you the past year paper and questions that I have.
This textbook is important for the group project.

Additional Book for Semester 1- Accounting Workbook

Workbook to accompany accounting: an introduction by Maurice Jenner and Mark SilvesterSOLD!!!
4th Edition 9780733993404
Price at SIM popular; $52.60
I'm selling at $30
HP: 97579222

Wrapped with plastic cover. Minimal writting. Any writting is done in pencil and I can erase it for you upon request. The book is first-hand.
This book comes with topical questions that is very good for practicing. Ultimately, accounting is like maths and only practice will make perfect. This book has helped me a lot and I manage to score High Distinction for this module. There is full workings for all questions at the end of each chapter. Will highly recommend this book. Only hard work and effort pays off.

Semster 1 Textbook- Business Statistics 1

Business Statistics 1- SOLD!!!
Australasian Business Statistics by Black, Asafu-Adjaye, Khan, Perera, Edwards, Harris
2nd Edition 9781742466941
Price at SIM popular: $53.20
I'm selling at $38.00
HP: 97579222

Wrapped with plastic cover and tabs for easy reference of chapters. I can remove the tabs upon request. Minimal writting and highlighting. Any highlighting is done neatly. The book is first-hand.
I will give you the past year paper and questions that I have.
I also have the full working solutions for the textbook questions and will give it together with the textbook.
This textbook is important for practicing of questions for every topic and there is answers at the back of the textbook. Afterall, maths subject the only way to do well is to practice more!!!