29 November, 2012

Semester 3 Textbook- Introduction to Management

Introduction to Management SOLD!!!
Introduction to Management: RMIT University- A Custom Publication from Palgrave Macmillan
2012 Edition 9781137007360
Price at SIM popular: $42.00
I'm selling at $35.00
HP: 97579222

Wrapped with plastic cover and tabs for easy reference of chapters. I can remove the tabs upon request. Minimal writting and highlighting. Any highlighting is done neatly. The book is first-hand.
I will give you the past year paper and questions that I have, some come with answer scheme.


Semester 3 Textbook- Business Finance

Business Finance SOLD!!!
Business Finance by Peirson, Brown, Easton, Howard and Pinder
11th Edition 9780070997592
Price at SIM popular: $94.80
I'm selling at $45.00
HP: 97579222

Wrapped with plastic cover and tabs for easy reference of chapters. I can remove the tabs upon request. Minimal writting and highlighting. Any highlighting is done neatly. The book is first-hand.
I will give you the past year paper, tutorials and questions that I have, some come with answer scheme.


Semester 3 Textbook- Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management SOLD!!!
Human Resource Management- Strategy and Practice by Alan Nankervis, Robert Compton, Marian Baird and Jane Coffey
7th Edition 9780170184991
Price at SIM popular: $70.00
I'm selling at $40.00
HP: 97579222

Wrapped with plastic cover and tabs for easy reference of chapters. I can remove the tabs upon request. Minimal writting and highlighting. Any highlighting is done neatly. The book is first-hand.
I will give you the past year paper and questions that I have, some come with answer scheme.


01 June, 2012

Semester 2 Textbook- Principles of Marketing

Principles of Marketing
Principles of Marketing: A Global Perspective by Philip Kotler, Armstrong, Ang, Leong, Tan, Yau
2009 Edition 9789810691035
Price at SIM popular: $36.70
I'm selling at $30.00
HP: 97579222

Wrapped with plastic cover and tabs for easy reference of chapters. I can remove the tabs upon request. Minimal writting and highlighting. Any highlighting is done neatly. The book is first-hand.
I will give you the past year paper and questions that I have, some come with answer scheme.

Semester 2 Textbook + Q&A- Commercial Law 1

Commercial Law 1SOLD!!!
Singapore Business Law by Benny S Tabalujan & Valerie Du Toit-Low
5th Edition 9789810831622
Price at SIM popular: $50.80
I'm selling at $38.00
HP: 97579222

Wrapped with plastic cover and tabs for easy reference of chapters. I can remove the tabs upon request. Minimal writting and highlighting. Any highlighting is done neatly. The book is first-hand.
I will give you the past year paper and questions that I have, some come with answer scheme.
This textbook is important for the open book exam and good reference taggings are crucial too.

Butterworths Questions & Answers(Photocopied from Library- 1st Hand Photocopy)SOLD!!!
Contract Law by Des Butler: 3rd Edition
Torts by Paine: 2nd Edition
I'm selling at $20.00 for both books
HP: 97579222

Wrapped with plastic. No writting and highlighting. The book is photocopied but first-hand photocopy from library.
This book is important for extra question practice, it will help a lot with knowing what to expect during the exam.
*Note: The one in the booklist and sold at popular is one book only but it is the same. Mine is split into two books but the content is just extra. I have highlighted in the cover page the relevant topics. So there are no missing topics.

Semester 2 Textbook- Macroeconomics

Macroeconomics by Hubbard, Garnett, Lewis, O'Brien
2nd Edition 9781442533714
Price at SIM popular: $57.80
I'm selling at $38.00
HP: 97579222

Wrapped with plastic cover and tabs for easy reference of chapters. I can remove the tabs upon request. Minimal writting and highlighting. Any highlighting is done neatly. The book is first-hand.
I will give you the tutorial questions that I have, and it comes with answer scheme.

Semester 2 Textbook- Prices & Markets (Microeconomics)

Prices and Markets (Microeconomics)-SOLD!!!
Microeconomics by Hubbard, Garnett, Lewis, O'Brien
2nd Edition 9781442531772
Price at SIM popular: $54.50
I'm selling at $38.00
HP: 97579222

Wrapped with plastic cover and tabs for easy reference of chapters. I can remove the tabs upon request. Minimal writting and highlighting. Any highlighting is done neatly. The book is first-hand.
I will give you the past year paper and tutorial questions that I have, some come with answer scheme.